The newest extreme sport at the cottage is Bike Launching. If you notice at the end of the dock there is a ramp. Add one bicycle and one person silly enough to attempt it and voila. I had a hard time capturing the timing but you get the idea from the splash! Of course when Uncle Jerry is up Storytelling Time is always a favorite! After story time the men usually took for an evening sunset cruise to enjoy some calm before the evening festivities.
Trevor Robertson (Jeff's partner) shares the 100 acres of land with Jeff and has his cottage across the bay. He had some old friends of ours up from the ski chalet and they had a good jam session going on. They were rocking out pretty good!
If you actually get bored you could always go Rattlesnake hunting. Lisa almost stepped on this beauty. It seems that our family attracts them because every time we go up there I end up killing at least one that is getting too close for comfort. It makes Paintball challenging!!!!
There are other snakes around and apparently Melissa isn't too afraid of them! See if you can spot it. It's dead center in the picture. |