These are pictures of a trip to our cottage in Caughnawana Quebec, Canada. My dad and I took Lisa's Dad, Chris and her brother, Mark up fishing for the weekend. It was an amazing place. You had to fly in or take a four wheeler through logging roads and camps. It used to be private and had 28 lakes (give or take) with fishing boats and motors on most of them. You had to portage to a lot of them. Some you had to fly to. A couple had cabins that you could camp over in with a big group if you wanted to. All the lakes were stocked with fish. You were right in the middle of Bushville, Northern Style. Black bears would eat the garbage out back. One ripped the doors off the Clubhouse kitchen and started chowin down and destroying stuff. They sent someone down to get my dad and he killed it. Bam!! See Ya
Here we are droppin the plane in from Toronto Island Airport. I have many memories of hairy takeoffs and some rough landings in the Lake Ontario chop, dodging sailboats. That's Mark and I in the heavy raingear. The first day we were there it was pouring rain and I convinced him that was the best time to fish. We were out for hours without a nibble. It was kinda eery.
Pop Weber was the one with all the luck, in better weather he was catching more than Mark and I together. I am pretty sure my Dad is filleting some of our catch. As you can see we were roughing it. This was my Dad's brothers place who built up there many years after we had been cottaging there. The place my Dad built burned down to the ground, leaving only a few gun barrels.
Is this roughing it or what??? |